Saving energy is the most common way of staying sustainable. During this time of the year the energy price will go up due to the amount of sources you will end up using to keep warm. Just unplug the things you aren't using, especially the electronic devices. Chargers could be plugged in and still draw power, even if the device isn’t on charge. Bringing up the electric bill and wasting energy. So, we suggest unplugging chargers and all electronics when not in use.
Keeping Cosy
We all want to keep cosy. This can also link into your energy bills, as we tend to gravitate towards putting the heating on as mentioned previously. So, maybe it’s time to start looking into something that would be of use and would also avoid rising bills but also keep you nice and comfortable. Below are just a few examples:
Insulation - This isn’t something you usually think about during the warmer weather but can be a big help any time, especially during the colder seasons. Adding insulation to rooms, behind wall heaters and in the ceilings will help with both cold and hot weather. It lowers your energy bill as the temperature within your home will remain the same. So, no need for heaters being constantly on.
Thermal Curtains - Thermal curtains, or thicker ones, can help insulate your windows by preventing the cold air from looming in and keeping the warmth inside. Having them drawn closed during the night will provide extra insulation.
- Door Draft Stoppers - Ever notice how most doors tend to have gaps, especially near the bottom? Well those little areas tend to let out the warm air you want to keep and let in the cold breeze. A door draft stopper is made specifically to be laid at the bottom of the doors to cover up those locations and to keep the chilly air out. I’d highly suggest investing in one. However, if you don’t have the money you could also just use a thick blanket, one you preferably don’t use, and put that near the bottom of the door. It works just as efficiently! Door Draft Stoppers are Uber sustainable, you could make one like we do with off cuts of old materials, if you're up for the sewing challenge
Garden Work
We know it’s colder out and it seems cosier to sit at home curled up in blankets, with a nice warm drink and watching a movie or two but taking the time to move around daily and getting fresh air will help you during the cooler months.
If you have a garden, spend some time getting it ready for the upcoming seasons. Autumn is the perfect time to plant many trees. Doing it around this time will give them enough time to develop a root system, deep within the ground, over the winter months, reducing their water needs during spring.
If you didn’t know, there are a lot of things that you could use to create compost, especially during Autumn. Those pumpkins you use during Halloween? Instead of just throwing them away, you could roast the seeds and make a delicious snack! Pumpkin seeds are highly nutritious, containing fibre and essential nutrients such as magnesium and zinc. The rest of the pumpkin will compost down quite quickly, however if the pumpkin is on the thick side, then it will take a little longer to break down. So, it’s suggested you cut it into pieces if you want it to rot down quicker or disappear into the bulk of the compost.
Now, Autumn is known for it’s falling leaves. Most people will add the fallen leaves to their garden chores by raking, bagging and throwing the leaves away. Adding to the waste piles. What most don’t know is that fallen leaves are good for your lawn. Dead leaves are part of the life cycle for plants and soil. Leaves are basically free compost from mother nature! Leaving leaf piles can cause the grass below to die, so it’s recommended to gather the leaves and then distribute them evenly throughout your garden. Leaves help a lot more than you think and can insulate the soil throughout the winter, protecting the life that thrives within the dirt below.
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Gardening |
Long-Term Clothing
This is an overall good idea when purchasing clothing. You want to make sure it lasts and can be suitable for other weather types, or just to keep aside for Autumn without having to buy new clothing each year. You could even go through your current clothes that fit the season and upcycle them. Repair them in other words or if you don’t have the experience to do it yourself, you could always bring it into the Madia & Matilda store. We upcycle clothing too, and if you have a specific idea for how you want your clothes to look then we’d be glad to listen.
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Upcycle |
Sincerely Madia & Matilda
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