Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label quarantine. Show all posts

Friday 20 November 2020

How To Turn Your Lockdown Walks More Fun

During lockdown the comfort of your home might start to feel a bit confining and your everyday walk too monotonous. Lucky for you, we have a couple of ideas to help make your daily stroll more exciting!

Image from: 

  1. Have a chat with your loved ones. Maybe suggest your mom, dad, sibling or friend also go for a quick hike and give you a call. That way it feels almost as if you are walking together! It is also a good way to check in on how they are doing. Talking through your emotions and thoughts can help a lot with the stress you might feel during the lockdown.

  2. Try out photography! It doesn't matter whether you think of yourself as a good photographer or not - this is the time to practice. You can just use your smartphone and look out for interesting things to capture during your walk.

  3. Make up lyrics - keep your mind busy by making up new lyrics for a tune you like or even try to write a poem in your head.

  4. Listen to podcasts. There are tons of podcasts and audiobooks on the internet that will definitely make your walk more interesting.

  5. Play counting games. Take in your surroundings by counting things like how many types of dogs, flowers or shoes you see on the way.


Remember, walking is one of the best ways to both reduce anxiety and keep yourself active. We hope this list will help you to do so!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Wednesday 28 October 2020

How To Hang Out With Friends During Lockdown


Quarantining can be tough, especially when you can't see your mates. It is important to do regular check-ins on your friends to make sure that no one feels alone during this difficult time. However, how can you turn these catch-up sessions into more fun?

  1. Download Houseparty. It is an app on which you can play games like Pictionary, take quizzes and so much more with up to eight people on one video call.

  2. Virtual workouts. By watching a Youtube workout video simultaneously you can get your daily exercise done together. You will find yourself having a lot more motivation for it!

  3. Use Teleparty - a new way to watch TV in synchronization with your friends online.

  4. Try cooking together. Prop your phone or computer up somewhere in your kitchen, pick out a recipe both you and your friends are curious to try and cook the same dish whilst catching up.

  5. Create a TikTok account. It is fun to learn TikTok dances through a video call, but even more fun when you can then go on to duet your mates dance videos.

  6. Host a presentation evening - everyone picks their favourite movie, book or something they are passionate about and prepares a quick presentation about it.

  7. DIY projects. Pick some kind of an arts & crafts project for you and your friends to do whilst on a call and afterwards compare the results. This way you might also learn new tips and tricks to simplify your everyday life!

Even though we cannot see our closed ones physically, that does not have to stop us from being able to still have fun and do activities together with them. We hope these ideas will come in handy for your next catch-up session!

 Sincerely Madia & Matilda