Kiera Court
Meet Kiera Court, Singer Songwriter & self-professed dog lover, as she tells us about her collaboration with Madia & Matilda
Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?
I'm a musician and songwriter based in London. In my spare time I like to wear nice suits, drink coffee and am actually have the cool capacity to cut my own fringe. With scissors. I could probably even cut it with pliers if they were to hand. I also really like dogs, but who doesn't?
Kiera is wearing the Amelia - Dress
How long have you been Singing for?
I've been singing for a while - I don't have an exact date, but all I know is that I love it. I just love sounds.
Is there anything specific that inspired your Madia & Matilda photoshoot?
Mainly my dog. He's my rock and very photogenic - I wouldn't be surprised if he got scouted for Premier Pooch Models (does this exist?) or something. Madia & Matilda feels kind of homely - solid and sustainable like a friend you can always rely on and true to its roots. I didn't want to go too over the top with the shoot and portray the sense of honesty I feel Madia & Matilda conveys in the photos.
Which is your favourite Madia & Matilda piece of our Summer 18 collection?
I love the Henny cotton skirt. It's so light and breezy. I could gallop around London in that, hoping on and off the tube without have to groan at the tight constraint of jeans, or unbuttoning of a trouser. It's very classy and would look great in the day with a crisp shirt, blouse or in the evening with a cami top.
Seriously though, I don't I have any specific routine as such at the moment. All I do is make sure I'm clean and well hydrated (like a plant). I try to drink a lot of water. A decent amount of sleep is essential too. I think the key to looking beautiful though is feeling it - a warm energy transforms a face and radiates around you. Everyone's perception of beauty is different and remembering that will get you far.
I don't wear a lot of make-up, and when I do, it varies from either dark eyes or bold lips. One or the other. Like boobs or bum.
Kiera wears Jenna Cropped Trouser
If you can take us to your hometown for a day, where will you take us to?
I was born in Chelmsford, Essex. If I were to take you there, we would most certainly not go out at night unless it were to the Bassment (get it) bar for some blues, jazz and just genuine good music. Hylands House would potentially be on the cards. That's where I walk my dog sometimes, and my dog comes first. We'd have to hit up A canteen in town though as they do gorgeous brunches.
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Sincerely Madia & Matilda
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