Friday 23 July 2021

The re-fillable revolution: The benefits of re-fillable beauty products

Over 120 billion units of single-use packaging is produced by the beauty industry each year.

Due to the short life-span of products and a lack of recyclable packaging, only 9% of all plastic waste has been recycled and the rest either incinerated (12%) or dumped into the environment as landfill (79%) [Prabhakar, 2020]. 


Plastic pollution has a direct and deadly threat to life on land and under water. During the 400 years plastic takes to decompose, poisonous greenhouse gases (predominantly carbon and methane) are released into the atmosphere which accelerate global warming. When lying obsolete on land or floating in water, wildlife may ingest, become entangled and harmed by the plastics used once and disposed of by mankind.


There are several ways to combat the plastic pollution crisis, one being the use of refillable product packaging. Product refills can be purchased from a retailer online or in-store and the poured and inserted into an empty product already owned. A product refill generates 70% less CO2, 65% less energy and 45% less water than an entirely new product [Niven-Phillips, 2020].


The benefits of refillable packaging, however, extend beyond clearing the environment to include:

1.      Save money- Product refills are significantly cheaper than purchasing the whole new product. Although select products may be initially more expensive, money will be saved overtime with every refill purchased.

2.      Brand loyalty reward schemes- Purchasing product refills may be a sign of brand loyalty, as you continue to buy and show love for a specific item overtime. As a way of thanking you for purchasing a product (refill) on repeat, select brands (including LUSH Cosmetics) offer points, discounts and/or the opportunity to enter prize draws. 

3.      Safer materials – Plastic packaging contains BPA and other harmful substances which may transfer into products which are then applied onto the skin. Glass and other non-plastic materials are commonly used to package refillable products which do not pose this same threat.

4.      Customisation- Due to the complexity of the human skin and cosmetic ingredients, it is important to find the products which best suit your skin type. Applying a variety of products onto the skin may cause irritations and blemishes which can be avoided by using few but effective products on a regular basis. A solid beauty/skin care routine (achieved with the use of refillable products) will optimise your skins health, look and feel.

5.      Decrease your carbon footprint- The carbon, energy and plastic waste avoided with the use of refillable (instead of single-use) products will help to reduce your personal carbon footprint and therefore support your zero-waste lifestyle.


Shop our curated range of refillable beauty products at Madia & Matilda here:



Prabhakar, M. (2020). PLASTIC-FREE BEAUTY: THE NEW NORMAL!, June 17, Beat the Micro Bead. Available at:

Niven-Phillips, L. (2020). Can refillable packaging *really* solve the beauty industry's plastic problem?, November 10, GLAMOUR. Available at:


Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Tuesday 13 July 2021

How To Reduce Your Environmental Impact At Home


In September 2015, the United Nations established seventeen Sustainable Development Goals to be achieved by 2030 to prevent irreversible climate change. Although of different severities, everybody has an environmental footprint and therefore a part to play in achieving these goals. You can calculate your own carbon footprint to determine the most effective ways that you can reduce your environmental impact.


Carbon footprint calculator:


As the saying goes, change begins at home. Therefore, there are numerous ways to begin or continue your journey towards a sustainable lifestyle under your own roof- many of which involve reducing your energy use.

1.      Switch to renewable/ green energy

Renewable energy is collected from sources which are carbon-neutral and replenish naturally. Wind and solar power are (most commonly) converted into electricity and heat for use within the home. As countries aim to achieve net-zero carbon emission by 2030/50, renewable energy sources are becoming more affordable and accessible.


2.      Use energy-efficient appliances

Appliances are tested and rated on a scale from A to G according to their energy use (with A being the most efficiency and G the least). When purchasing new appliances, look for the energy label and consider its rating relative to its size. Energy efficient products reduce unnecessary energy consumption (often obtained from non-renewable sources) by up to 40% and lower energy bills.


3.      Wash clothing at low temperatures

Setting the washing machine at 30 degrees (instead of 40) will not only preserve the quality of your clothes but also lower your energy bill by £52 per year. Cooler temperatures prevent colour loss, fabric damage and shrinkages within garments to prolong their lifespan and therefore lessen the demand for new products which diminish the Earth’s resources.


4.      Buy in bulk

Unnecessary (often non-biodegradable) packaging is avoided when products are purchased in bulk. Single-use plastic accounts for 40% of annual plastic production and therefore contributes massively to plastic pollution and the saturation of greenhouse gases within the atmosphere [National Geographic, 2019].


Pink Bias Cut Ruffled Skirt
Jamilla - Pink Bias Cut Ruffled Skirt

5.      Reduce, reuse and recycle

When purchasing items, consider their longevity and re-usability. Look for refillable or recyclable packaging to avoid single-use plastic and minimise waste. if an item is near its end-of-life, research ways which it can be re-purposed or upcycled, rather than throwing it away to become landfill. Check out our range of Curated Brands for zero-waste home wear.


Madia & Matilda Curate Brands – Home wear:


Storage Baskets Home
Storage Baskets



Parker, L. (2019). The world’s plastic pollution explained, June 7, The National Geographic. [Online]. Available at:


 Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 26 June 2021

Whats New From Us


At Madia Matilda we create timeless pieces centred on quality and longevity.

Our styles are brought to life by carefully selected materials that create individuality and vintage prints. We value the versatility of natural fibres and are introducing a line of T-Shirts and knit along side our upcycled collections

Furthermore, we have been working collectively with scap (Sustainable Clothing Action Plan) since 2013,  to reduce the carbon, water and waste footprint of clothing sold in the UK by 2020.

This work has informed our efforts to question where and how the raw materials we use are grown and produced, enabling us to make more considered choices

We know we will face many challenges during this journey.  we are committed to change and do better, so each year, we will share our progress towards our goals.

Learn more about our efforts to reduce the social and environmental impacts of our materials in our processes page on our website

Sincerely Madia & Matilda

Thursday 20 May 2021

Vegan And Gluten-Free Chocolate Mousse


Whilst we are still in lockdown, here is another amazing vegan dessert for you to try when bored! It is quick, healthy and so good!

What you will need:

150g of chocolate. You can choose whether you want to use dark, milk (make sure it is made with plant-based milk) or maybe even white chocolate, but our favourite is dark as it doesn't turn the mousse too sweet.
½ tbsp of caster sugar.
300g of silken tofu.
150g of raspberries. You can use any berries you want but we think that raspberries give the mousse some nice acidity!
Shredded coconut.


Melt the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of boiling water.
Blend the tofu with the sugar in a blender.
Mix in the melted chocolate and blend again until smooth.
Pour the mousse into four small cups, add in some raspberries.
Chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours.
10 minutes before serving, remove from the fridge to soften.
If you want - add on toppings like cinnamon or shredded coconut.

Bon appetit!
Sincerely Madia & Matilda

Saturday 8 May 2021

Homemade Coconut Sugar Face Scrub


Whilst we all have to stay home, why not test out a homemade skin treatment?
This oatmeal face scrub is sure to leave you feeling fresh and super relaxed!

You will only need 4 ingredients:
⅓ cup of coconut oil - great for hydrating
1 cup of coconut palm sugar - an exfoliator which won't dry your skin
1 tsp of natural honey - for nourishing
1 tbsp of organic matcha powder - helps increase skin cell growth

All you have to do now is add all of the ingredients into a bowl, mix well and scrub away! You can use this two to three times a week for a clear complexion.

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 1 May 2021

New Home And Beauty Picks!

Hey readers! Lockdown is starting to lift slowly and we might now be able to enjoy going out for a quick meal or drink at our favourite outdoor restaurants, but the sometimes too cold British weather is still keeping most of us inside for the time being. That is why we at Madia & Matilda have picked out a couple of home items for you to check out from our new range of items as well as some beauty products for you to slowly start getting ready for a “back to normal” summer!

Jade Facial Roller

This beautiful facial roller is used to reduce the puffiness we all get after a good night's sleep. If you're planning on stepping out into the soon opening bars and restaurants, better not do it with a swollen face!

Image from:

Coconut Shell Bowl

Whilst you're still spending time home, why not buy a couple of these cute bowls for your living room? Not only are they great for snacks, they also look amazing in Instagram pictures showing off your healthy breakfast!

Image from:

Bamboo Toothbrushes

As always, Madia & Matilda is very concerned about being environmentally friendly. That is why we suggest switching out your plastic toothbrush for a bamboo one instead! Your smile will be as white as ever - but maybe a bit brighter due to knowing that this small change has made a difference for the better.

Image from: 

Art Cufflinks

A beautiful (and sustainable!) addition to any of your spring and summer looks.

Image from:

Wooden Massage Roller

Perfect for a relaxing night at home when the weather is too cold to go for a drink at an outdoor bar. Important note - it is also a better alternative to a regular plastic roller.

Image from: 

Hope you found something for yourself or a loved one from this list!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Wednesday 28 April 2021

Superhero Day


Image from:

You might not know this, but since 1995 the date 28th of April has been named as being Superhero Day.

It is clear that growing up almost every kid has a favourite superhero or fictional character as a role model - someone they look up to maybe even later in their adult years still. It doesn't matter whether you're a fan of Wonder Woman, Hulk or Spiderman,  watching and reading about these characters with special powers fighting crime and protecting others inspires and teaches us the importance of kindness, justice and bravery.

On this Superhero Day in 2021 we at Madia & Matilda encourage you to look past the fictional to find and honor the everyday superheroes around you. This year has no doubt been difficult for everyone, but especially for the doctors, nurses and other essential workers who have been on the job and fighting for us tirelessly. We ask you to celebrate them and show our gratitude for all that they have so selflessly done.

And remember, you can always become a superhero yourself! Whether that is through being an advocate for the environment, doing volunteer work or by donating to your local charities - not only will you do good deeds but also inspire others to be better as well! Be the person the younger version of you would aspire to be.

Wishing you a super day!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Monday 19 April 2021

Rent It!

Rental clothing
Why not rent your clothes


Image from:

As our readers know, we at Madia & Matilda are all about pursuing more sustainable and environmentally friendly ways of living, and as a fashion brand it is our duty to help you do the same. Fashion is known to be one of the biggest polluting industries there is - starting, of course, with fast fashion.

People go around buying cheap clothes with poor quality, wear them until they inevitably break or until they have to throw them away to make room for new products that they feel they need due to the constant flow of new clothing lines coming in all year round. This, however, results in massive amounts of almost unused items and fabrics ending up in landfills and damaging the Earth. But we also know that nobody wants to go around wearing the same things all the time or spending most of their money on luxury items that are considered to be of a good quality.

So what is the solution? Easy! It's time to try out something new - renting your clothes. Not only are you able to wear different outfits each month, you're also doing a favour to the environment by keeping the clothes in circulation and ensuring that they do not end up in a landfill somewhere. In addition, you will find your closet much more decluttered as there are no impulse-bought tops, skirts or shoes laying in the back of it, completely unused.

What are you waiting for? Go check out the great selection of rentable clothes on our website now! For exclusive deals and benefits maybe even try out for a membership!


How it works:

Once activated, your monthly subscription will give you access to many styles for only 65£/month.

Step 1: Stock your closet - Keep up to 10 items in your virtual dreamy closet.

Step 2: Rent - We will select and send you 3 pieces from your closet that you will be able to wear for a whole month, starting the day you receive the package.

Step 3: Return - The items must be returned together before the next shipment. You will then receive 3 new items from your virtual closet!


Membership benefits:

Escape your comfort zone - Try new styles completely risk-free.

Free shipping included - We will provide a prepaid envelope included in every box, covering both ways.

Exclusive deals - Own your favourite styles for a discounted price up to 30% off the original price.

No commitment - Cancel your subscription anytime.

Hope you enjoy! 

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 17 April 2021

Fashion Revolution Week 2021 - Articles, Movies and information

Since we started in the wake of the Rana plaza  disaster we have participated in the Fashion Revolution week event, raising awareness to transparency and our practices. Now more than ever, we must acknowledge and participate in #FashionRevolutionWeek 👉 @fash_rev @ecofashionevents @madiamatilda 

Here are some top links on information, movies and events to follow.

Regenerative Agriculture Can Change the Fashion Industry – And the World. But What Is It?

What Has Biodiversity Got To Do With Fashion?

22 DIY Ideas For Repurposing Clothing Into Something New

ethical fashion: how I’m transitioning my wardrobe

What Is Slow Fashion and How It Can Change Your Life source=pinterest&utm_campaign=tailwind_tribes&utm_content=tribes&utm_ term=975564252_43746274_713814


6 Steps to a Sustainable, Ethical, and Affordable Closet

Fashion Revolution Week 2021 - Movies

Sweatshop - Deadly Fashion

The Next Black

The True Cost

The Lifecycle of a t-shirt

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Tuesday 13 April 2021

TEDX talk

The TEDx is a program for local and self-organised events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, you can expect talks, videos, live speakers and deep discussions in small groups. 


If you don’t know me already, let me introduce myself. My name is Shalize, and I am the designer and director of Madia & Matilda. I was asked to take part in the TedxStroud event to talk about my journey in the world of sustainable fashion and how I have built a brand with the business model of having zero waste practices.


I am honoured to have been part of this event, speaking alongside 7 other inspirational women. It has always been a lifelong ambition of mine to be able to give a speech on something which I am so passionate about and believe in so strongly. It has been a challenging process along with the struggles posed by the coronavirus pandemic over the past year, nevertheless we persisted and were able to put on a fantastic virtual event.

My speech covers topics which I believe are extremely important to the future of sustainable fashion such as ‘Zero Waste’, ‘Fast Fashion and Waste’, ‘Upcycling’ and ‘The Future’. As I have mentioned in my speech – “now more than ever, there’s more choice for sustainable fashion”. Although we are not completely there, the journey to becoming more sustainable in our fashion practices is well and truly underway as the possibilities these days are increasingly growing. 

My most important piece of advice is this – going forwards, take every day as it comes. With each day believe we can do better and improve upon yesterday. In the future we hope to introduce natural, planet-friendly fabrics to Madia & Matilda, but there is scope for collaboration, and I am excited to see what change we can bring and not be a part of the problem. 

Sincerely Shalize  -  Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 27 March 2021

Apps For A More Sustainable You


We at Madia & Matilda always try to inspire our customers to live their lives in a more eco-friendly way. We know that it might be quite difficult to start your sustainability journey - from figuring out how to reduce your food waste and using less plastic to recycling your clothes. To make it easier on you we have put together this list of applications that will definitely help you out towards becoming a friend to the environment!

Think Dirty
An app that gives you information on what goes into your favourite makeup. You will be able to ditch all products that use toxic chemicals and find cleaner replacements just by scanning the items.

Over the last year Depop has become an incredibly popular platform for people all around the world selling and trading their old clothes, accessories and jewellery. It's a sustainable version of online shopping as you get to browse clothes but instead of buying into fast fashion you get to give new life to pre-loved items!

A way to get rid of the massive amounts of paper junk mail being sent to your house. By taking a picture of all of the papers you do not want to receive the app quickly lets you unsubscribe from the company's mailing list.

An amazing app that makes sure your food does not go to waste whilst simultaneously helping out your local community. Just take a picture of your food products (or any miscellaneous items) and share it with the people in your neighborhood also using the Olio app. They will get a notification and be able to arrange a pick-up time. The app is even still operating during the coronavirus pandemic (with new safety guidelines) which can be of great help to the vulnerable people in your area.

Made to aid people in reducing their plastic usage. Just buy a reusable water bottle, turn on the Tap app and find a water refill station on the go. It will show you a station's location and details on its water options from chilled and filtered to sparkling or flavoured.

For people living in the UK, this app is made to get insight into whether your store-bought products are sustainable. With its scanner you can find out if the product is packaged with recycled materials, whether it is responsibly sourced and so on. But what if it isn't? Then don't worry - Giki will offer you alternative options.

Hope this helped!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Wednesday 24 March 2021

Lockdown Easter Activities For The Whole Family

We might not be able to celebrate Easter this year like we're used to, but that does not mean we can't still have fun! Madia & Matilda has put together a list of family activities that you can do with your kids to turn this Easter into one they won't forget!

1. Egg-babies

Have your kids boil some eggs and draw cute faces on them using paint or markers. Next, name them and have your children looking after them as if these were actual babies! This will teach them to be more responsible as well as just being a whole lot of fun.

Image from: 

2. Egg & Spoon Race

Grab some eggs, grab some spoons and go! If you have not heard about the Egg & Spoon Race before (which is doubtful), the point is to win a race during which you have to balance an egg on a spoon. You can use boiled eggs or if you're really brave - go for raw ones. And if you don't have a garden, just use your local park instead. To make it fairer between kids and adults, maybe have the grown-ups do the race by hopping on one leg!

Image from: 

3. Easter images using nature

When going out for your daily walk, try to create Easter-themed images by using objects you find in nature. For example, how about the Easter Bunny made from sticks, leaves, acorns and flowers?

4. Pin The Tail On The Bunny

An Easter version of the popular game of Pin The Tail On The Donkey! Print out an image of the Easter Bunny, buy some cotton wool or a fluffy pom pom and try to stick it to the bunny as a tail whilst blindfolded!

Image from: 

Image from: 

5. Egg decoration

The classic Easter activity - decorating Easter eggs. You can later use these for an Egg Hunt with the whole family!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Sunday 21 March 2021

World Poetry Day

What is World Poetry Day and how do we celebrate it?

Celebrated on the 21st March, World Poetry Day's purpose is to promote reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry worldwide. This is seen as important because poetry engages our emotions, we learn how to express ourselves through literature, this is particularly influential on children. Allowing a reader to connect to a poet and their own minds.

It was originally celebrated on the 15th of October in the 20th century, which was the birthday of the Roman epic poet Virgil. The date for the 21st March was discovered by Unesco in 1999. 

We can celebrate it with 3 simple tips: 

1. A zoom gathering 

Due to Covid, we can celebrate virtually. Get all your friends and family on a zoom call to read your favourite poems. Maybe even a poem that may help one another during these unprecedented times.

2.  Celebrate other cultures 

World Poetry Day aims to celebrate cultural diversity, try and find a poem from another country that brings you inspiration and meaning.

3. Write your own poem

Even if writing is not your forte, jot some ideas down on a notepad, get your thoughts out and see where it takes you. No pressure or expectations, just flow with your own writing and mind. A great way to express yourself and possibly even relieve any tension you may be feeling or any current problems you are facing.

Images from: 

Sincerely Madia & Matilda