Wednesday 3 March 2021

How consumers can become zero waste

Becoming a zero waste consumer is essential, and you're definitely making a huge positive impact on the environment and the world. So don't worry, every single individual makes a huge difference. Keep going; it really is working! The zero waste generation is a big deal, and it is encouraging communities to get on board. 

The world is beginning to embrace sustainability and jump on the zero waste movement. Remarkebly after David Attenborough's Blue Planet II in 2017, a follow up on the 2001 documentary. Attenborough tells the compelling stories of the world's deepwater inhabitants, creating an irreversible relationship between the earth and mankind. Other inspirational television such as the movie 
A Plastic Ocean in 2016, where Craig Leeson reveals the terrifying impact of pollution and the vast amount of plastic materials dumped on the earth's soil. 

More and more sustainable products are beginning to take the market, with more entrepreneurs siding with zero waste and companies discovering how easy it is to contribute. We love that at Madia & Matilda, we can rent clothing; this is a great way to produce less waste and a cheaper alternative to buying clothes you will only wear for a specific occasion or event!

So how can you be a zero waste consumer? 

It's pretty easy and very possible. Here, let us help you get started if you haven't already! At Madia & Matilda we pride ourselves on our sustainable ethics, as a little goes a long way. 

Check out our sustainable ethics at : 

First of all, have a clear mindset. Sometimes we simply cannot be bothered to do the little things, such as recycling or being mindful of waste. That's understandable; we are only human. However, we can change this mindset by embedding zero waste routines into our daily lives just like any other activity, that way it does not become an 'extra' task; it just becomes normality. If you make it normal, it encourages others around you to do the same. Make zero waste lifestyles something that should be a reality and a necessity. 

Take a look and do some research if possible, to inform yourself more on the zero waste movement; look at TerraCycle for inspiration. 

Another great idea is to buy your shopping in bulk, or buy from local produces that do not use over excessive packaging like the supermarkets. However, fingers crossed that supermarkets will be eliminating plastic soon to come, and we have high hopes for this change. For example, Iceland has vowed to eliminate plastic packaging on its own products by the latest 2023. With these encouraging statistics, other supermarkets have jumped on board such as Morrisons, they are in the middle of trialing plastic bags into paper bags and hopes by 2025 to have mastered this task.  

Electric cars are also becoming very popular, and they emit fewer greenhouse gases than petrol cars being run by electricity. Many companies are hoping to switch to electric within the next decade, such as Ford. So, maybe consider switching from petrol to electric, or even hybrid for the current moment. Reducing your amount of petrol stops air pollution from increasing. 

Another great tip is always carrying bags in your car, in case you go shopping last minute and need a bag! I know it is easy to forget, this way if you have them already there, what is really stopping us. If you are clothes shopping, take a look in your wardrobe and see if you really need everything or you can pass it on or recycle. More garments are bought than ever in 2020 and 2021, with a statistic of 57% of these materials going to landfill, and 35% of materials in the supply chain also being put to waste. Make sure you read up on where you are shopping and shop for sustainable brands like us!
Madia & Matilda. 

Image from: 

It is important to become part of the zero waste movement, simply because we are the change!

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Sincerely Madia & Matilda

Saturday 27 February 2021

Creating positive habits in lockdown

Since we are now in the third UK lockdown, we have experienced life indoors and there are many habits both positive and negative we may have experienced.

Here at Madia & Matilda, we believe it is important to learn and create positive habits that we can use in and after this lockdown experience.

1. One hour a day for a form of creative meditation 

Try not to be put off by the word 'meditation' all we mean is using some form of art therapy, this can be anything from painting, yoga, cooking, baking, journaling, a relaxing bath, or a nap. If you schedule this into your day every day, not only will it break up your day but it will also allow you to slow down, relieve anxiety and stress, take a break from any worries you may feel.

2.  Get outdoors and embrace nature

I think the first reason for us all getting back out into nature after the winter months being so cold, we are finally starting to see a bit of sunshine. Lockdown feels more isolating when the weather is bad, and now things are starting to look up. Getting outside does not need to be a lockdown routine, it can be part of your new normal. Learning to switch off from the inside, social media, and television and take time to breathe in the fresh air every day. Lockdown has encouraged us to increase our time spent outdoors, supporting mental health and getting some Vitamin D from the sun.

3. Physical and mental health 

10 minutes a day or more dedicated to a physical workout, whether that means stretching in the garden, watching a workout youtube video or learning how to make healthy juices and smoothies. Try to take this discipline and turn it into a routine, keep moving and learning.

4. Appreciate the world around us 

Now that we cannot travel frequently or visit places we once loved, it is time to appreciate the little things and the world's beauty. The lockdown has actually caused less airbourne pollution, and many destinations are now visible such as the Himalayas are a lot clearer than ever before. You can take virtual tours of these fantastic destinations and write them on your bucket list to visit once travel and leisure are possible again. 

5. Time

Time goes so quickly, and usually when we are living our day to day lives we are busy working, socialising and never truely have the time to just be at one with ourselves. all this time we have been given, use it and appreciate it.

Images from: 

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Tuesday 16 February 2021

The Problem With Online Shopping

The State of Sustainable Fashion: What is the Reality Behind the Eco Collections?
Image from: Retviews

With lockdown restrictions still going strong everywhere around the world and clothing stores being closed more and more people are turning to online shopping. It can be a whole lot of fun - you get to buy clothes without ever getting up from the couch and dream of where you'll be wearing them once we're free to travel again. However, many do not realise the massive impact their orders have on the environment. Your new pair of jeans or a cute bag play a part in the huge amount of plastic and leftover fabrics that end up in the ocean and landfills. Each online order has to be properly packaged in order for it to not get damaged during shipping. For that the easiest option for brands is to use plastic. Now imagine hundreds of thousands of orders from shoppers all over the world, each of them being sent out in plastic packaging. Not to mention the leftover fabrics that are thrown out instead of being used for new items! At Madia & Matilda we always work to become more environmentally friendly - from using recycled packaging to offering the option of carbon neutral delivery. We also use sustainable fibers in our clothing and make sure that all leftover fabrics get reused. Every step of our clothing making process is thoroughly thought about! Check out our collections and help out the environment!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Sunday 14 February 2021

Easy to follow lockdown challenge


Whilst we are in lockdown, why not follow a challenge with us to keep yourself feeling entertained and organised?

Here is our 5 task challenge!

              Set yourself 5 tasks you wish to complete, they can be anything and there is no pressure.

Some of our ideas..

1. Clean out that wardrobe...

We have all been there, the cluttered wardrobe is no secret, set yourself a task to throw out the old and bring in the new! It is oddly satisfying to sort your clothes out in colours, seasons or however you wish to be organised. Also, buying the same hanger for all your clothes looks great.

2.  Switch socials for podcasts

We can all become consumed with social media to the point where it distracts us from our daily goals. We suggest trying the 1 hour free social media morning when you wake up, looking at a blue screen on your phone as soon as you wake up is not only bad for your health but also distracts you from your daily routine. Try waking up and listening to a podcast that interests you, this allows you to complete your daily tasks but also learn new things. You can find podcasts on Spotify and Youtube for inspiration.

3. Write yourself a letter

Dear future me... 

Give yourself some advice, anything you want to get off your chest, any thoughts and feelings and also future desires and goals. It is really healthy to express your emotions through literature and is a great excerise if you are feeling down.

4. Cooking!

Did you know that baking and cooking are actually forms of artistic meditation? Meditation does not have to be your stereotypical sit down in silence expression. Cooking allows your mind to focus and lets you be rid of outside thoughts. Even if it is not your thing (it certainly was not mine at first) challenge yourself! Find something you have always wanted to try and keep at it until you perfect it to your liking. Focus on creating rather than stressing. 

5. Pamper pamper pamper

Face food masks, self manicure and a hot bubble bath always go down a treat. How about challenge yourself to let go and give yourself some self-love? We will be!

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Sunday 7 February 2021

8 social media accounts to follow


Since the global pandemic, the digital world has become used more over the last few months than ever before. Popular social media apps such as Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter are booming. We thought since we are all on social media at the moment, we have come up with some great sustainable accounts that you can follow and browse their useful content. 



Besma is a lifestyle blogger who is inspired by sustainable fashion and living a more eco-friendly lifestyle. She shares great posts about sustainable brands and tips.


Clare Press is the first sustainability editor at Vogue magazine and always has sustainable fashion go to's and information that is useful for eco-friendly fashion.


Dominique is known for her blog series and sustainable style and culture which she promotes and explores on her Instagram page.



Sustainable Cities Collective is a sustainable community for leaders of urban and metropolitan areas, providing resources for people who connected to sustainable development.


Green Biz tweets are known for being a Twitter account that is based on green ideas and shares these with the public to inspire and educate.


Sustainable Brands focus on tweeting about inspiring brands to lean towards sustainability to encourage an eco-friendly future in fashion and lifestyle.


Tik Tok has become increasingly popular since the global pandemic came about, it is a quick and easy way to access social media posts.


Megan McSherry is known for being one of the first sustainable TikTokers, she advocates for change and works in sustainable campaigns, she uses her platform to educate people on how to become conscious consumers.


Tristan Detwiler utilises his platform to talk about and promote upcycling of clothing, sharing his story, and inspiring others.

Pinterest boards to follow


They show where to shop for eco & ethical fashion, educating readers on what fast fashion is and what fair trade and ethical clothing means for us as consumers.

Splendid Moon | All About Sustainability 

They show us where to buy sustainable kitchen and home products, working on getting rid of plastic and harmful materials in the house.

Going Zero Waste: eco-friendly lifestyle tips, recipes, and DIYs 

This board is great for giving general, daily life, and sustainable living tips such as what you should stop buying and begin making and products that have zero waste to buy and use in your home. 

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Friday 5 February 2021

3 tips to style a blazer

Blazers are the latest trend, there is so many ways you can style them. From dressy to casual, winter to summer, we are here to give you our favourite 3 tips for a stunning blazer look!

1. Casual combo 

Style your blazer with denim jeans, any type of jeans will look great. To make it look casual but smart you can add a white tee styled with a chunky necklace, our Ella necklace would look ideal. 

2.  Dressy

Switch it up to evening wear by changing those denim jeans to black jeans, paired with a polo neck for winter and a cami top for summer, such as our Ashley Lace Vest Top

3. A summer accessory 

Try a linen blazer that is a pastel colour to wear over your summer dress or skirt, it is the perfect summertime accessory and makes any look slightly more dressy for the season. 

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Sunday 31 January 2021

All things Galentine's day

Yes, we are all aware of the famous celebratory day of love, Valentine's day, but have you heard of Galentine's day?! It may be our new favourite 'fake' holiday! A play on the name Valentine's to celebrate our favourite 'gals'. 

Whether you are celebrating Valentine's or not, have a little think about Galentine's, which speaks all self-love, showering your female friends with love and support. It promotes all things girl power, a day where we can indulge and love ourselves and celebrate the amazing women surrounding and blessing our lives. 

There is no right or wrong way to celebrate Galentine's, and that's the beauty of it. So join us on the 13th of Feb, put on your favourite movie, order in your delicious takeout, grab a glass of wine and sit back! Dedicate the day to things you enjoy doing, and if we cannot meet with our girlfriends because of COVID why not host a zoom quiz meeting? 

What is so wrong with treating yourself to flowers and chocolates? We love the idea! Maybe you have wanted to dedicate some self-care time, a nice pamper or skincare routine will do the trick. There may be a gift you want to purchase for yourself, which you can find plenty of on our website.

Are you curious of how this fabulous holiday came about? It happened around ten years ago, in 2010, and it was actually created by the fictional character Leslie Knope in Parks and Recreation. The episode is called "Galentine's day" where she gathers a group of her friends for a brunch, and ever since then women have loved this idea, a no-pressure, fun, and feel-good holiday with no gimmicks. 

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Sincerely Madia & Matilda

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Lilly - Pleated Skirt


Lilly Pleated Skirt in Cream

The Lilly Pleated Skirt is a must-have for the New Year. It comes in cream, pink, or black. The chiffon material gives a lightweight and comfortable feel to the skirt, perfect to wear casually or for an event. 

Lilly Pleated Skirt in Pink

You can create an instant winter look with a high neck jumper and tights, or you can make the skirt fancy with a blouse and heels. Its diversity and versatility makes it ideal for all occasions. The Lilly Pleated Skirt can be worn in all weather and is a staple piece for any outfit. 

Lilly Pleated Skirt in Black

The Lilly Pleated Skirt is also a great gift to purchase for friends and family who are looking for clothing to be used all year round. Now that the second lockdown has come to a finish, it is the perfect time to start filling your wardrobe with sustainable items that will last.

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 23 January 2021

Valentine's Day Gift Ideas


Want to show your loved one how much they mean to you this Valentine's Day? We at Madia & Matilda have some great options for a special gift that they'll definitely love!

  1. Jemma - Cowl Neck Dress

Perfect for a Valentine's Day evening dinner.

2. Amber - Lace top

3. Body & Massage Oil Collection - Beauty Giftset

So that your partner gets the pampering they deserve!

4. Phoebe - Contrast Panel Skirt

5. Prism - Clutch Bag

The perfect addition to a red or pink outfit to match the Valentine's Day vibe!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Sunday 17 January 2021

Happy Birthday Michelle Obama


As we celebrate Michelle Obama's birthday (17th January 1964) we thought we would take a look at the highlights of this inspirational African-American woman career. 

Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama was the First Lady of the United States from 2009 to 2017, married to the 44th president of the United States, Barack Obama. Michelle Obama was the first African-American First Lady in American history. 

Michelle was taking classes in her school's gifted program by the sixth grade and went on to attend Whitney M. Young Magnet High School (Illinoi's first gifted school). Michelle attended Princeton University and graduated with a degree in Sociology in 1985. Following this achievement, she went on to study law at Harvard Law School awarded in 1988. 

Michelle worked for the firm Sidley Austin in Chicago and in 1991 left her corporate law to pursue a career in public service as she worked as an assistant to Mayor Richard Daley. In 1996, Michelle joined the University of Chicago as associate dean of student services and in 2005 she was appointed vice president for community and external affairs. In 2007, Michelle attended compaign obligations during Barack's run for the Democratic presidential nomination.

Most notably, Michelle has given some incredible speeches throughout her career. They have shown power and have inspired many. 

September 12th, 2012, "Every day, the people I meet inspire me, every day they make me proud, every day they remind me how blessed we are to live in the greatest nation on earth."

July 25th 2016, "I wake up every morning in a house that was built by slaves, and I watch my daughters, two beautiful, intelligent, Black young women, playing with their dogs on the White House Lawn. And because of Hilary Clinton, my daughters, and all of our sons and daughters, now take for granted that a woman can be President of the United States."

January 13th, 2017, "Being your first lady has been the greatest honor of my life and I hope I've made you proud." "I want our young people to know that they matter, that they belong. So don't be afraid. You hear me, young people? Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered. Empower yourself with a good education. Then get out there and use that education to build a country worthy of your boundless promise. Lead by example with hope; never fear."

Happy birthday Michelle, from all of us at Madia & Matilda.

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Friday 1 January 2021

Ellen Cigarette Trouser


Ellen Cigarette Trousers in Black

The Ellen cigarette trouser is a slim fit trouser, featuring pockets and a fly zip fastening. They are neo-romanticism style trouser which is effortless and easy to wear both in the daytime and at night. 

Ellen Cigarette Trouser in Grey

The soft cotton material adds to the effortless style of these trousers as they are comfortable to wear. The material makes them perfect to wear for winter, working from home or in the office. They can be styled for the outdoors with our Kirsty top.

Ellen Cigarette Trouser

Available in black and grey, the trouser has a classy and sophisticated look whilst remaining comfortable and classic. 

Images from:

Sincerely Madia & Matilda 

Saturday 26 December 2020

New Year's Resolutions


2020 has definitely been a hectic year. But the magic of a new year is that it promises change, growth and a better you. We at Madia & Matilda believe that the better you is the one that is kind to yourself, to others and especially the Earth. So for this upcoming year we have a couple of resolutions you can make to be more considerate of our planet.

  1. Ditch plastic bags! Buy yourself a tote bag that you can reuse time and time again instead of getting a new plastic bag every time you go shopping - they are extremely harmful to animals and nature!

For example, get yourself the Printed Canvas bag from Madia & Matilda.

  1. Raise awareness - spread your knowledge around recycling to your friends and family. You never know who you might inspire to also be better!

  2. Carry a reusable water bottle.

  3. Buy eco-friendly. Support the environment by supporting companies who are trying to minimize their carbon footprint.

  4. Get involved and volunteer for beach and forest cleanups!

  1. Say no to disposable straws and cutlery!

We hope these ideas will inspire you to spend 2021 helping the Earth in any way you can - every small contribution makes a difference!

Sincerely Madia & Matilda